TDSR Calculator

Wondering about the maximum amount you can borrow for your dream home?

Before deciding on a home loan package, first, you need to how much you can actually afford. Use our TDSR
Calculator to find out how much you can borrow to secure that HDB or private property you’re eyeing.

Property Details

What type of property are you buying?

Purchase Type

Income Details

Monthly Financial Commitments

Income Details

Monthly Financial Commitments

Loan To Value (LTV)

Here’s how much you need for your
dream Private Property

  • Max Property Price$ 0
  • Loan Amount$ 0
  • Loan Tenure0 Year(s)
  • Down Payment & Stamp Duty $ 0
  • Down Payment$ 0
  • Buyer Stamp Duty$ 0
  • Misc. Fees$ 0
  • Total Cash or CPF Needed$ 0
  • 5% cash down payment$ 0
  • 20% down payment Cash or CPF$ 0

Disclaimer! These are the results based on the figures provided. Please note this is not an AIP/IPA from the bank.


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